Төрөл: өмд, бусад бараа, ретуз/ трико
Хүйс: охин
Материал: 55% хиймэл мяндсан даавуу, 37% целлюлоз, 7% нийлэг, 1% полиурэтан
Өнгө: саарал, цагаан, хар
Улирал: бүх улирал
Зориулалт: өдөр тутам
Угаах арга: угаалгын машинаар угаана,
These knit cord leggings and spats are made of warm Gran Thermo material. Made in Japan, so they are recommended as gifts and presents! They have excellent moisture absorption and heat generation properties, and are silky, elegant, and firm! Warm and soft material with a smooth, cashmere touch ☆ Comes with a "moujonjon" logo tag on the waist! The simple, plain design makes them a must-have item for winter, and they can be used in a variety of situations and outfits!
Үлдэгдэл 6 |